Overweight or being obesity is a dangerous sign that can lead to other serious diseases.

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Due to the changing lifestyle, people’s diet has also changed. Fast food has limited food choices. Many people may choose to eat foods that focus on starch and fat, not eating vegetables and fruits, and not exercising enough, which eventually leads to fat accumulation and eventually becoming overweight or obese.

The consequences of this will come back to hurt us and make us sick in the long run. ยูฟ่าเบท we have a story about obesity and its health risks to share.

Obesity is a condition in which the body has a higher than normal level of accumulated fat due to receiving more energy than the body’s ability to burn energy. When the body does not burn all the energy it receives, it will accumulate in the form of fat in various parts of the body to be stored for use when needed. For example, when the body does not receive enough energy to burn, our body will draw on the stored fat to use as an energy source.

But normally, the chances of the body using fat as energy are not much, especially for those who live a normal daily life, do not move their bodies much, do not exercise, causing fat to accumulate continuously until it causes many other health problems depending on where the fat accumulates. For example, if fat accumulates in the blood vessels, there is a risk of clogged arteries or high blood pressure. Or if fat accumulates in the abdominal cavity, there is a chance of fatty liver disease, etc.

Being overweight or obese is a health problem that increases the risk of disease.

  • Cardiovascular disease People who are overweight tend to have high blood pressure and are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease.
  • Kidney Disease Being overweight can increase your risk of kidney disease.
  • Diabetes Being overweight can make your body less resistant to the hormone insulin. Which is a factor in the development of diabetes.
  • Cancer: Some studies have found that there is an association between being overweight and an increased risk of certain cancers.
  • Breathing problems Obese people often have breathing problems, such as hygiene and internal medicine.
  • Chronic diseases Being overweight also increases the risk of chronic diseases such as osteoarthritis, arthritis, and others.
  • Women’s Problems Being overweight can cause women’s problems such as female hormone resistance.

Therefore, controlling your diet properly and choosing the right proportions of foods that are nutritious and safe. As well as exercising regularly, will greatly reduce your risk of being overweight or obese. Which will also reduce your risk of other diseases.