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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Parents should know!! What are the symptoms of pseudo autism?

Pseudo-autism symptoms are often found in children, especially children under 3 years old. Who are neglect by letting them watch cartoons or video clips from phones, tablets or television regularly. It has been that if children of this age are in front of the screen

Diseases that come with winter and health care.

Winter is here and it is often the time when some diseases like colds, flu, or bird flu occur. This is because the cold weather during winter can weaken the body’s immune system, making it more susceptible to infections. There are also other diseases that

Hypothermia: How to coping with a drop in body temperature.

Hypothermia is a condition in which the body’s temperature drops too low. It is a result of prolonged exposure to cold weather, such as being in cold weather or soaking in very cold water. This causes the body to lose its temperature regulation mechanism and is