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Category Archives: knowledge

Health benefits of rosemary. 

Although rosemary is known for its aroma and cooking qualities. But there are still studies on the properties of rosemary in maintaining health in many ways as follows: Helps to enhance the functioning of the brain. Rosemary may help cognitive function in the brain. Studies have shown

Causes of Heat stroke.

Heat stroke is a condition in which the body temperature is too high. Caused by exposure to very hot weather or prolonged exercise without the body being able to cool itself down normally. The symptoms may occur when the body temperature rises to 40 degrees Celsius or more. When

How many types of sports drinks are there? 

Sports drinks are drinks that contain water, sugar, and minerals important to the body. Such as sodium, potassium and magnesium  . The amount of sugar and minerals varies depending on the type of sports drink. Sports drinks can be found in many forms. Whether it’s an effervescent tablet for

Causes of constipation.

Constipation is a common condition when the bowels contract or move slowly during digestion. This makes it impossible to eliminate feces from the gastrointestinal tract normally. Therefore, it remains in the colon for a long time until the water in the stool is reabsorbed. Stools become dry, hard and