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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

5 things bedtime If you don’t want to sleep

Relax and unwind before bedtime. Take a bath, color, write in a journal, paint, listen to soothing music, read, stretch, or do a puzzle. Putting aside stressful and worrying thoughts until bedtime can make it difficult for you to fall asleep, and these thoughts might

Having “menstruation” 2 times a month, is that normal or not?

This article looks at what causes a woman to menstruation twice a month. It also explains the various conditions that can cause irregular menstrual cycles and when to see your healthcare provider. If a woman has had her period more than once, it may cause by accumulated

“Diarrhea” should-shouldn’t eat any food?

Diarrhea is when your stools are loose and watery. You may also need to go to the bathroom more often. Short-term (acute) diarrhea lasts 1 or 2 days. Long-term (chronic) diarrhea lasts several weeks. Diarrhea symptoms may include belly cramps and an urgent need to go

How many eggs should a child of each age eat appropriate?

Eggs are a food containing many nutrients good for heart and brain health, preventing osteoporosis. However, not everyone knows how to feed child with eggs. Here is some information for parents to refer to and feed their child eggs properly. children of each age There are

Likes pulling hair repeatedly.

Likes pulling hair repeatedly. Once in a while, if you want to pull out your hair to relieve stress, it wouldn’t be strange. But what if you like to pull your hair so often that certain areas on your head pulling hair repeatedly start to

Reduce dark spots. Make your skin clear and smooth all over.

Reduce dark spots. Make your skin clear and smooth all over. Sun-damaged skin, dark spots accumulated, mosquito bite marks all over the legs! For anyone who lacks confidence because of this problem, we recommend. Recipes for white skin from your kitchen that use only 3 ingredients. But it

Make your skin white and bright, reduce dark spots,

Make your skin white and bright, reduce dark spots, and help make your skin white and clear. Anyone who has to go out in the sun often Apply sunscreen every day! The skin is still dark. There are dark spots all over. If you want to find a simple

Secrets for white skin, fix two-tone skin, make it evenly

Secrets for white skin, fix two-tone skin, make it evenly white all over the body. Scrub your skin often. Nourishing cream is never lacking. But you have to go out in the sun every day. The skin became dull again. It’s always two tone. No matter how you fix it,